RE: Purchasing on SL Marketplace
Breedables need the Magic Box because they are one of a kind, no copy items
VMM is ok with beds, clothes and stuff becasue you have unlimited items -- it is copiable even if once it gets to the new owner, it is set to no copy permission. I think it is taking a copy of the item from your folder and giving it to the buyer -- and you keep the original. You can't do that with Breedables and Gachas and other one-of-a-kind no-copy items.
The gacha resale folks have a lot of caveats for ordering since they can't get a replacement if something goes wrong like we can (support ticket-lost kitty). It looks it is best if
1. Buyer is in SL to accept delivery or has automatic acceptance of delivery on. If they click deny or have automatic refusal on, the item is automatically deleted and gone.
2. Buy one-of-a-kind items like breedables one at a time. Finish acceptance and delivery, then buy the next one. Apparently most of the problems with loss or delivery comes with multiple buys.
3. Buyers expect the item to arrive in the "Delivery" folder. Apparently it can be delivered directly into the "Objects" folder or elsewhere for one-of-a-kind. Ask the buyer to do a search for the item by name. If they accepted delivery, it may be in their inventory -- just not where they expect.
Those 3 seems to be the issues across the board that gacha sellers warn buyers about. Our buyers will probably need the same warnings. With Kittycats, I think in addition we need to warn buyers that if they don't receive it (for example if they denied delivery), then they need to give us 24 hours to get a replacement to them (if we received the money) as it will take that long for us to get the kitty back through support. At least if it gets accidentally deleted or lost, we can get a replacement back. Also if Kittycats already shows the kitty as in their pedigree -- we may need to walk them through how to file a support ticket as they will already be the new owner. We are luckier than those Gacha folks as we have backup but our backup plan needs time. The person will get their kitty.
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill