
04-17-2015, 03:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-17-2015 05:28 PM by Nektuu Wytchwood.)
RE: I Remember When.....
I remember when... I was lost.
I remember when... I moved around the grid with no purpose.
I remember when... my past had run its cycle and I had no direction.
I remember when... I talked to noone nor had any wish to. Cut my ties with every person I knew in SL up to that point.
I remember when... I stood up a mountain in mainland.
I remember when... I looked at the villa below and then... I saw them. They were two. They were monstrous. Huge. The girl below was actually riding one.
I remember when... I went back to watch the next day and the next and the next. Their names were Mickey and Tilly. One was a black huge cat with white streaks and the other a huge creamy color with brown spots all over. They were beautiful. Those kitty eyes, the way they moved like real cats. They wore vests, the one had a hat and the other had glasses. I could not believe creatures like that existed in SL.
I remember when... I went down the mountain at the road that passed next to the villa. The girl wasted no time doing her move, on her motorcycle she came from the other side of the sim on the road to cross my path. I saw her and panicked. I was watching her for days... and she certainly knew it. I instinctively tped out.
I remember when... the following days I went back again and again, silent, watching my neighbor. Me up the mountain her down at the house below. She had awesome decoration skills. An 8k sqm parcel, a house with yard, beautiful plants, her bikes parked tidily. A piano room, pool table, cozy chairs, a fireplace with scotch spilling on top. The girl had taste.
I remember when... I knew I was a stalker and I knew she knew. Those months. I cared for noone and nothing. If I was strange, weird, watching at the girl below with voyeuristic fascination. I was a stalker I knew it and I did not care.
I remember when... Cold. For a time I was cold inside. Hard. Felt like an animal with no speech, no thoughts, no coherence and still...
I remember when... it happened. I went back to the same mountain slope watching down to see her and then I found her. She was on the roof of her building and what was that?
I remember when... that evening she was dressed in a Burlesque outfit, stings attached to her hands and feet. She was a puppet. A sexy woman puppet. And then... she started dancing. I watched speechless. The performance was short but concise a perfect show. With surprise I heard a giggle and then I realized it came from my mouth. A performance just for me, I was laughing like a child... and she ended her little show waving. At me? Was too much... I logged out.
I remember when... a few days later I sent her a notecard while she was offline. Introducing myself. Can you meet people with a notecard? Start a friendship with a notecard? Apparently you can. When I logged in next I had a reply notecard. And so we went. For days we exchanged notecards talking about everything.
She had a few more cats, the cute green frankenkitty too. A casual kittycats member, never paid for a cat more than 10k lindens and probably would freak out if she knew what I was spending in kittycats 1 year later.
I was seduced by her megas as I was seduced by her presence.
I wanted to get a couple of mega cats for myself. 1st I got the firekitty. It was that time. Went to the kittycats shop looking around.
I decided it would be less expensive to breed myself two megas than buy them. Little did I know that choice would define my sl for years to come.
So I started breeding to get a pair of megas, a long time it seemed to wait 2 weeks for a baby but soon my cats were giving babies like rabbits and my cattery skyrocketed. The damage had been done and was irreversible.
That girl had been one of my most pleasant memories in SL, I will never forget her and Mickey and Tilly.
But soon I was visiting auctions meeting new and cool people in the kittycats world and I was absolutely fascinated with every cute virtual cat... There were so many and I wanted them all.
Then one day I went to a place a themed auction different to the others and for the first time I met who would become my two best friends.
... and I was happy.
Thanks given by: | Devilness Chant , Ivy Norsk , Dottie Idlemind , Zarabeth Langer , Emilia Darkwatch , Priestess Firanelli , Nino Heartsdale , Beloved Ruby , MsMagick Resident , Ryanna Enfield , MarissaCloud Resident , Nocshadue Balbozar , Eleanor8 Resident , Wendi Lavendel , Adrienne Arliss , Kayleigh McMillan , Malayaa Resident , Xoei Resident , AmoreJade Cyberstar , Icestron Resident , VeetMesser Resident |
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