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Auction Courtesy. Your Thoughts
04-09-2015, 05:26 PM
Post: #15
RE: Auction Courtesy. Your Thoughts
From an long-term auctioneer's perspective, I like a healthy chat. When people are talking and interacting, they're in a good mood and they're generally less nervous about bidding. We can goof and play which makes people want to come back. If Theo and I were in it strictly for the business, we would've burned out a long time ago. It's really the people who come to our auctions that fill us with joy and buoy us to keep going even when the market slacks a bit.

Interactions add so much to auctions. Without them we wouldn't have meatload or suck a pretty cat! That's not the kind of world I want to live in.

But, you know, there are at least ten thousand auctions a week. There is probably one just right for everyone.

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RE: Auction Courtesy. Your Thoughts - Draco Nacht - 04-09-2015 05:26 PM

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