Saga's chart now reads:
"Odyssey Cognac Wine is dominant to Bronze - more info please"
so if you have charts on eyes dom to Bronze and Ody Cognac Wine, it would be helpful.
I was looking at Bronze and it's showing in the 2nd column of Saga's chart which means that it is a probable placement but may change. It is showing close to Morning Dew in dominance.
I have a chart proving Odyssey Cognac Wine is dominant to Canary . Since Canary is close to Morning Dew, I thought I'd go ahead and show the proof.
Haille has Odyssey Cognac Wine shown
Haille has Canary hid
Haille's child shows Canary while Dad shows Ody Bell proving Haille has Canary hid
If anyone else has charts showing Ody Cognac Wine in relationship to Morning Dew or more dominant, please post it.