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Anyone else confused about Abyss Creme (dom/rec)?
04-07-2015, 09:47 PM
Post: #1
Anyone else confused about Abyss Creme (dom/rec)?
*looks at the pedigree sideways* LOL

[Image: d2684e53565f8cac0dd7cddffeea0b46.png]

When I came back...I saw that Abyss Creme was moved on the Saga charts.

Not as dom as originally thought to be (ik, these changes are normal. Over time...more and more people breed, results become more concrete, yes yes yes Tongue ).

But this result had me cross-eyed, so I thought I would share it. (feel free to share your crazy Abyss Creme stories too! I wanna hear em)

*takes it on the chin & rolls with it* LOL It's a great fur! Big Grin Peace out!
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 Thanks given by: MsMagick Resident , Ryanna Enfield , LyricaBlues Resident , fabioazevedo Oh
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Anyone else confused about Abyss Creme (dom/rec)? - MarissaCloud Resident - 04-07-2015 09:47 PM

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