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Auction Courtesy. Your Thoughts
04-06-2015, 04:32 PM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2015 12:24 PM by Arwen Swordthain.)
Post: #9
RE: Auction Courtesy. Your Thoughts
Personally I have not noticed any of this so called rudeness at auctions, I find them to be very social events, yes sometimes local chat gets a little off course and away from cats but its my experience that the auctioneer can refocus attention easily.
I have fond memories of Mizakis auctions and the amount of laughter there always was from her as well as from the people attending her auctions.
As for IM's I have a lot of friends that are not in KittyCats! are we saying they must not message us during auctions? I frequently chat with other auction goers in IM and have yet to find it distracts me or be tlod by them that it is distracting, to my non kittycats friends I say I'm at an auction, they know this means they are not my main focus at that time.
Local chat cannot be controlled by one person nor can you tell people if they can IM each other, if people don't like it they should take it up with the person distracting them directly. We are all adults after all.
I have heard auctioneers including you Pretty, greet latecomers in voice, I think thats a good thing it welcomes people. In reality there will always be latecomers for whatever reason so unless you want to ban anyone arriving after you Call out the first panel you are going to get people greeting them.
Auctions are social events and are fluid and uncontrollable, just go with the flow and have fun, Auctions start late, auctions over run, people arrive late, people leave early and chat rarely stays focussed on one topic, such is human nature.
The most important reason any of us are here is to have fun, if buying and selling our cats stops being fun we will stop doing it.

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 Thanks given by: fabioazevedo Oh , Icestron Resident , Mizaki Resident , Devilness Chant
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RE: Auction Courtesy. Your Thoughts - Arwen Swordthain - 04-06-2015 04:32 PM

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