*Verdant in BG wDreamy Bigger de Big* @ Marissa Patron Auction ~ MON 4-6pm SLT
Hi Friends! You are cordially invited to join in a celebration of life & happiness in KittyCatS! Monday @ 4pm SLT I will have my first ever Patron Auction. \o/
Most of you know, last year this time I was forced out of KittyCatS and SL by my illness...and was in recovery/healing for 9 months. I am back...& with help of SL/RL family, friends and a whole lot of kitty pixy dust...better than ever! =)
Come join me in this celebration of my return to KittyCatS, as I offer you a sneak peek at the awesome stuff I am breeding in my cattery. {oh you know u wanna know LOL >< } hehehe