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Auction Courtesy. Your Thoughts
04-04-2015, 03:40 AM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2015 03:41 AM by Mizaki Resident.)
Post: #6
RE: Auction Courtesy. Your Thoughts
My personal opinion is that it is very nice to see an active auction with people interacting. It is plain boring to just listen to the auctioneer rant on about traits without some personal feel and interaction with their patrons. I don't find it an issue if my panel is up and people are chatting away. A good auctioneer is always capable of steering the auction in the direction they want too anyways Wink I know a few who are good at it.

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 Thanks given by: fabioazevedo Oh , Arwen Swordthain , LyricaBlues Resident , Serena Stroikavskoi , Devilness Chant , AugustAfternoon Resident , VeetMesser Resident
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RE: Auction Courtesy. Your Thoughts - Mizaki Resident - 04-04-2015 03:40 AM

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