RE: NEW AUCTION ~~~> Friday 8am - 9:30am @ Rainbow's End
(01-24-2015 12:30 AM)MarissaCloud Resident Wrote:
You are Cordially Invited to join the NEW {Cloud Nine Kitties} Auction @ Rainbow's End KittyCatS Market!
{Starting Friday April 3rd @ 8AM SLT-9:30AM SLT}
~~>Bring your most EPIC kitty, Rent a Panel and Have your kitty setup before Thursday 6PM SLT <~~
RULES: * NO Cat Flipping. You must own both parents, or be owner of both Grandparents in the Pedigree. *this will be checked prior to the auction*
* 6T or better please, unless you have a NEW trait {NEW meaning a trait from the most recent/current collection}
* One Panel per Person so everyone has a chance to sell their kitties
* Duplicate Furs only allowed when the genders are Opposite {you see a Male u can put up a Female only and vice versa}
* All kitties SOLD require standard auction tip of 10% to the Auctioneer *tip jar will be visible near the auctioneer*
* KittyCatS thrives on the community spirit of the Secondary markets. Please come to the auction not only prepared to SELL, but to BUY as well. Support your fellow breeders & they will in turn be able to support you.