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Lets Make a Deal :) The Catbird Seat Newest & Bigger Location!
02-21-2015, 10:35 AM
Post: #1
Lets Make a Deal :) The Catbird Seat Newest & Bigger Location!
Good morning all, as I am putting out more and more kittens, and working on my newest and larger location, come stop by and check out what I have to offer. Let me know if you need something, and you never know , you can get a great day today Smile just IM me. I'm here to help!


The Catbird Seat @ Fergus

The Catbird Seat ~ Happily breeding since November 2013.
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Lets Make a Deal :) The Catbird Seat Newest & Bigger Location! - Beryl Landar - 02-21-2015 10:35 AM

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