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help me make up my mind & the Showcase next exhibit info
02-08-2015, 07:33 AM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2015 08:45 AM by Kayla Woodrunner.)
Post: #2
RE: help me make up my mind
I think I've decided to go with the Bali Cream. It looks more valentiney to me
I said before I'd send you all info on the next exhibition which is this one. If you want your kittycat to be in the valentine exhibition, here are the paramaters (taken from the Kittycats Showcase NC although I rearranged the info a little bit to make it easier to read)

Kittycatz Showcase Valentine Exhibition Event Entry Instructions:
Showcase landmark

The Valentine's Exhibit/Contest

Time Period: Saturday, February 14, 2015 until Saturday, February 21 2015.

Cat Criteria: ONE PINK or RED TRAIT
Entrants will be submitted by Display Panel Members and voted on by KittyCatz Showcase Group Members, one vote per member during the week-long contest.*

Deadline: Friday, February 13, 2015
a. Cat must be submitted**
b. notecard listing details (Description of cat, owner's name) must be sent to SavageR0SE

Voting Time Period: Feb 14-Feb 20, 2015
Winners announced: Feb 21, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2015 (or earlier if submitted earlier) SavageRose will take pictures of kittycat. At which time they will be repacked if the owner wishes and set up for display in position on the special stand for the event.**

Raffle: Sweet ValetineKitten @ $25L per entry. Enter as many times as you wish! The Raffle will run until the end of the exhibt/contest.

There will be cash money, KittyCatS and ribbons awarded from a vote by group members for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes on Friday. And on Saturday the cats can be set for sale on their displays to customers if the owner desires

Do NOT price the cats for sale until Saturday, February 21, 2015. Any cats sold or removed from display prior to Saturday must unfortunately be disqualified from the contest. Contest entry and voting by group members is free.

Any questions pls contact SavageR0SE Resident.
Thank you!!!!!

FOLLOW our thread on the KittyCatz Forum!

* (my explanation here) The Showcase group is an idea SavageRose is trying out to have people share what kinds of cats they are creating. To enter the contest you must be both a KittyCatz Showcase Group Member and Display Panel Member. Both are free. There is a sign at the Showcase you can click on to join the group. There are a few rules to the group but they basically come down to Be nice to each other (no drama) and no live cats on panels due to prim limitations and convenant rules (SavageRose did not set the convenant, it came with the land so she has to abide by them). Also it helps since things are free if people use the bidboards and/or give 10% if they sell a cat in the Display Panel or after an exhibition ends. SavageRose can give you a notecard with the rules. Also check her thread above.

After you have joined the group, if you want a Display Panel, please contact SavageRose. She has responsibilities in RL so give her 24-48 hours to respond to your IM. She is pretty good about it but things can come up. The Display Panels are free and ring the room. In a panel you can put up a sign (inside the sign, it's ok to put your landmark to your store) and up to a maximum of 5 kittycats boxes for sale.

** (my explanation here) the kittycat box submitted for the exhibition are given to Savage Rose so she can make them live, pose them in a little studio setup , and take a photo. Then she repacks the cat and gives the cat back to the owner. The owner can then set the boxed kitty on the pillow/kittyDisplayStand. The picture will be displayed below the kitty.

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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RE: help me make up my mind - Kayla Woodrunner - 02-08-2015 07:33 AM

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