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My Baby~Blue Marble with Breeze!
02-02-2015, 07:46 PM
Post: #1
My Baby~Blue Marble with Breeze!
Brisbane, a bouncing baby breezy boy! He gets his own Prince bed in my cattery Big Grin

[Image: 16430121271_80a04a79f7.jpg]

Brisbane Beauty - Blue Marble by Malayaa MegaCatz, on Flickr

Fur: Australian Mist - Blue Marble
Eyes: Exotic Breeze (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Posh
Ears: Odyssey No. 1
Whiskers: Latte (Shape: Guitar)

Mal's MegaCatz Too Adorable
Latest Born Kitty:
[Image: Malayaa_Resident]
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 Thanks given by: alansaqui Resident , Illuminatra Resident , Dimpz Morane , fabioazevedo Oh , MarissaCloud Resident , Mizaki Resident , Winter Phoenix , Priestess Firanelli
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My Baby~Blue Marble with Breeze! - Malayaa Resident - 02-02-2015 07:46 PM

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