RE: Best ways to organize breeding projects
I do over 90% of my cat work on this forum alone, using the notes on the pedigree pages. I have it open in one tab, the cattery open in another tab, and trait charts open in other tabs. I, and many people, track cat lines and traits using the names of the cats themselves: "Edward hPoshT" or simply "hRhonda" (where Rhonda is a matriarch of a line with both good ears and tail and I can tell that the kitten hides both) or simply "hSassyW/ORF" - although that's waaay too impersonal for a cat that runs around my yard. Naming a cat "hRhonda" is often enough to jog my memory, and the complete hidden details are in the notes of the pedigree.
Cats listed for sale, or to be pulled out of the Cattery to be sold, I list with trait number first: "8T OciBlue FancieIndigo". Cats that I might use for breeding in the future are named "Box" first, like "BoxB8T OciBlue FancieIndigo". That helps keep the boxes in my pedigree view a bit more sorted.
I have goals for various cats listed in the notes too.
Of course, I can forget. And any more than this needs to go on some other document.
The Pawsable Traits Reference manager and a Chart keeper.