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Boxed Boy Latte
11-23-2014, 02:39 PM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2014 04:47 PM by Crepe Myrtle.)
Post: #1
Boxed Boy Latte
I am looking for a boxed Latte boy. This kitty has to have these traits or in the background, however LATTE has to be showing.

Fur: Pandie Platinum, Foxie Red Mask, Ocicat Cinnamon Silver, Ocicat Chocolate, Chateau Coffee and Cream, or Ocicat Ebony Silver
Eyes: from Odyssey Sublime to Odyssey Bellini (no background of Grotto, Exotic Breeze, or Dry Olive eyes)
Shade: Twinkle or Blush
Tail: from Swanky to Dreamy (don't really want puff, but it is part of this kitty, it's okay)
Ears: from Pointed Soft Fold to Rounded Boo Boo (don't want Soft Curl in the background)
Whiskers Colour: LATTE
Whiskers Shape: from Fussy to Dreamy (don't want Odyssey FrazzleWave in the background)

Please contact me in-world or here. Thank you in advance.

Crepe MyrtleHeart
Rawr! Kitty Owner
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Messages In This Thread
Boxed Boy Latte - Crepe Myrtle - 11-23-2014 02:39 PM
RE: Boxed Boy Latte - Kayla Woodrunner - 11-24-2014, 11:52 PM

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