RE: How do you find your kitty?
I have 3 shops on different markets myself but find I sell more at auctions these days. I also tend like you to buy at auctions. Sometimes I'll have a spree on the markets but not often, I tend to wander the markets if I'm bored to see whats about or if I'm looking for something specific. I have brought from the marketplace again when looking for something specific but last time I brought a pair from the same seller and only one was delivered leaving me without the boy I needed for breeding, that has put me off using the online marketplace a bit.
Like you I have most groups notices turned off due the huge amount of spam from bots. I post notices in groups myself but once a day if that, if I hate lots of spam others do too so am not convinced the notices are beneficial if no ones reading them. I do think if notices were limited to one per day per person and bots stopped from spamming every couple of hours that group notices would be more effective in drawing trade to shops and markets.
I like to browse the bid boards at least once a week and have brought from there quite a few times. One market also used to do a price drop bid board auction which was a lot of fun and I used to buy and sell there but sadly it stopped as people lost interest and other auctions sprang up at the same times.
The one thing I have found hard to resist is the random vendors or gatchas. I do love the surprise you can get for a few L$.
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