In response to this .. I wanna address a few things clearly...
1 - All auctions shall be only 1 hour, showing that we all care for each other.
2 - Auctions starting in hours as 10:30 am, 11:30 am, must be moved to full hours. 10am, 11am
3 - The auction begins at 10am, 10:59 am should close down, therefore respect auction 11am. So with the other schedules.
Not All Auctions have 10 & 2 Special Panels... Some Auctioneers like to have more panels included in their line ups to give variety and to accommodate more patrons. Which Causes Us to go Over 20-30 Minutes. Also if you count in the factors that some of us Play games, or even do things That are fun with our crowd.. This could lead to going over times.
4 - Star highlighted, for the auction, have a great time at the same place / time / auctioneer. Thus the combination of a) Auctioneer, b) island, and c) time, should be kept for a long period, for an auction to win a highlighted star. If there is change of auctioneer, place, or time, this auction loses the star.
5 - Bonus for over 15 minutes for auctions that have star. Then the auction could go from 10am until, 11:14 am. Even overlapping the auction 11am. The auction 11am, continues at the same time, 11am until, 11:59 am.
Who is going to be in charge of this System?.. And How do we know Its being done fairly? ... In reality, We do Not ..
6 - Remove other types of events worksheet auction house such as Café, Club Class.
7 - Create a new spreadsheet with events (Coffee Club, Class, race, photo, fighters).
There's No need to change this. This works Just fine as it is! .. People open one page and see just what they want to!
8 - The auction / time
a) belongs to the auctioneer?
b) belongs to the island?
9 - If the time of the auction, the island belongs, then only owners of islands, or managers, should request updates on spreadsheets, not allowing auctioneers to request updates, spreadsheet?
Since April 2014 I have Had Times Taken from me by Sim owners claiming they OWN them on 2 different occasions. After I did the leg work to get them. So I think that If an auctioneer does the work .. Its Theirs to Keep. If the Sim owner does the work to ensure that Slot for them, Past Auctioneers or for future Auctioneers then it is The Sims. If the Sim Owner is doing the work to get those Slots then they are responsible for contacting the person for the change, Otherwise its the Auctioneers.
11 - The auctioneer:
a) is an individual person who does what he wants?
b) the Auctioneer is an official of the island?
Every Auctioneer is a person who does what they want to. I am an Official of every Sim i work at. No Auctioneer has the right to be controlled. Auctioning is for fun. I dont Auctioneer because i HAVE to, I do it Because i WANT to. I add things when i want.. I say what i want and I do what i want. and Not Once would any of my Sim owners try to tell me different because thats what makes a good Auctioneer!
12 - The auctioneer shall follow the policy of 'good conduct' of the island, and be kind to all visitors to the island?
Each Auctioneer is their Own Person. When I am Auctioning I am Vampi the Auctioneer. When I am buying kitties, I am Vampi the Customer. As for representing a Sim when not on duty, I think that should be left up to the Auctioneer. If Im tired and Ive had a long day and I go to buy a Cat, lets say at Pixel Paws, I dont want to stop and talk to 500 people along the way. I want to get my cat and leave, So if i dont wear a tag or i dont say Hello does this mean Im not representing?
13 - When an auctioneer is fired, this 'time':
a) must be made available as free time in spreadsheet?
b) the island has rights to put a new auctioneer, at the same time?
c) The auctioneer can take this time to another island?
Oh this is a GOOD Question! ... this has Happened to me on 2 different occasions. The times chosen were MY times.. and then when I left the Sim the Sim owner claimed those times without discussion or compromise. If the times You sought out yourself and you did the work to get them then they Should be Yours. If the times you did NOT do the work for and the Sim owner presented them to you when the job started and were used in the past, present and future then those times are the SIMS!!
14 - The island has rights to tell the auctioneer that he can not do, auctions, on other islands?
The Sim Owner has the right to provide suggestions and guidelines, but the Auctioneer is ultimately in charge of his/her Auction. If i come onto a Sim and my Rules are laid out for me and are nonnegotiable and those rules include things that I know my loyal patrons will run from I will refuse the job. It comes down to making the people happy!
15 - Auction / Auctioneer / Owner of the island, to be notified when your auctions, beyond the time limit allowed, and overlaps the next auction?
In an Ideal sl this would be great! But unfortunately this is not the world we live in, Not all Sim Owners are online. Not All Auctioneers are friendly with one another and There is No auctioneers Group to respectively reply in!
16 - If an auction does not happen for 2 or 3 weeks, this auction can be excluded from the auction spreadsheet, and, this time, be available to another auctioneer?
Auctioneers do go on Vacation and Sometimes there are incidents in which they cannot be online for these periods of time. If you gave away their slots because of an emergency or because they went on vacation what would you have to give them when they returned?
17 - We must create a limit number of auctions per island? How many auctions can have an island? If the island pass the limit, the island should remove some auctions?
I think that each Venue should be MORE respectful on their Auctions/events. There are some providing 13 a week.. Really?.. who needs 13 and why would you wanna take up that kind of space on the schedule when someone else could use it? ...But i also think its a fine line between where people want to go and when.
Also One Last thing Since I got your Attention! .... The KittyCats Co-Op
The KittyCats Co Op was created to provide support for ALL Sim owners/Auctioneers and to Bring business between the Sims. I look at this Auction Schedule and i see Auctioneers being promoted by the Co Op But it seems Not 1 Sim owner in the CO Op Knows about it. Nor Has the Co Op Branched out to Do what it was created to do.. How can this Be?
Vampi S