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Great Recessive Traits At A Bargain!!
10-07-2014, 10:42 PM
Post: #1
Rainbow Great Recessive Traits At A Bargain!!
Awesome recessive traits to add into your breeding line or pair up with the new starters coming out!!

Tiger Curl, Grotto, Blush, Flash, Foxie Ears, MOF, Latte, Blonde Streaked, Oddy Bellini, Dreamy Whiskers
Cleaning out my stock to narrow my line down to specific traits..
My loss is your gain!
If you don't see a price you like, drop me a IM and we can work something out.
All boxes under $500L

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Great Recessive Traits At A Bargain!! - brodeee Resident - 10-07-2014 10:42 PM

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