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Wanted - 9T Female Bengal
09-17-2014, 07:28 AM
Post: #7
RE: Wanted - 9T Female Bengal
I just sent you a note Smile Happy breeding!

(09-10-2014 02:38 PM)GothBimboElvira Resident Wrote:  John & I are looking for a 9T Female Bengal kitten. I have 3 Bengal - Snow & he has 3 Bengal - Black. We are not looking for more Snows or Blacks. This kitten is not for me but for John. let me know if you have the Bengal we're looking for.

The Catbird Seat ~ Happily breeding since November 2013.
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RE: Wanted - 9T Female Bengal - Beryl Landar - 09-17-2014 07:28 AM

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