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Suggestions on Special Colletions (so they know where to look =D )
01-06-2012, 01:07 PM
Post: #5
RE: Suggestions on Special Colletions (so they know where to look =D )
Like Kayleigh, I'd also like a real "Alley Cat"... *Thinks Thomas O'Malley and chuckles*...

While I like many of the Special Editions, they have moved farther and farther away from looking like cats in anything but shape... Ah, I reconsider: Not even the SHAPE is cat-like on all any more! LOL (Antlers, horns, devil-tails etc....)

I am not protesting against the previous Special Editions - but give us a "real" can now and then - that'd be refreshing Smile
I also always said I really want a viking-cat. But I have no clue how a viking-cat would look! LOL... So unless someone has an idea of that, well... It's just a lose idea ;-)
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RE: Suggestions on Special Colletions (so they know where to look =D ) - Saga Felix - 01-06-2012 01:07 PM

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