RE: All Auctions Schedule
Auctions come and go but the good ones remains. I see this as a sign that the community is expanding or at least try to expand. Some will not last and thats fine. It will regulate itself.
The maintainer of the list is doing a fantastic job. Start time only? I think we should be greatful that someone wants to do all this work for nothing on an almost daily basis. The maintainer is not a maintainer of any rules that controls how people are handling the fact that more auctions and sims are joining. Neither making sure that people don't overextend their time slot. No one is set to control anyone here. It's just a list that tells us where the auctions are taking place. The ones that wants to join the list just need to write a nc to the maintainer and voilà…you will be added. What a great service!
I look at that schedule every day. Lets try to be thankful of what we have. Some of the old time slots have been occupied by auctions no one or very few people ever visits.. or have been on hold. Why would that be more fair to let them continue to have their slot exclusive than to let more active and new auctions use that time as well? (It makes sence that the "on hold slots" are no longer on the list). If there are not enough time for everyone, how can we ever solve that without the autions overlapping? I think this tells us that KittyCats are growing from a club where everyone knew each other into a bigger market. Exciting!