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All Auctions Schedule
09-01-2014, 01:28 PM
Post: #1
Sad All Auctions Schedule
I'm very disappointed in the kittyCats Community.
Kittycats staff always work on keeping us together, helping others, being respectful and wants us to be a family. They have rules about how to treat other in Group chat and how to behave, and they want us to be a Community, that helps and cares for each other. And I'm very happy about this. Without these rules it would look even darker then it already is.

I'm very disappointed in the community, not in kittycats staff, they do a good job. The sad things breeders, Sellers even auctioneers and Sim owners treat others with no respect (not all ofcurse). I stopped enjoying to breed kittycats cause of all the junk some people in this community bring up on each other, and i gave up hope for a while. It does get better at time but then the shit just come back. The lies, the drama and all disrespect to others. People in SL live behind a wall and don't treat others like human beings with feelings. I'm sick of it, but there is nothing to be done. To many people even in kittycats community that are terrible people, who don't care how they treat others. The last time i got this upset was when people gave me names even and bad reputation.
I don't understand why kittycats have a rating system on kittycats.biz, cause its just away to bully people. I'm not the only one that feels like this, there many people who are my friends that take a lot of crap from other people in this Community, and no one stands up for them. And the people that harass you get go free without a warning or any feeling of regret or shame over the actions. The rating system does on kittycats does not work. When its people acting on reputation with no proof.
If kittycats want a rating system they should rate the breeders them-self after actions they can prove. And it should be away to be able to prove your innocents. I would like the rating system if it actually helped us from scammers and bad people.But its not, as it is now, but it seems its now just a tool to bully people.

Then the drama about the Auction times. Its just terrible how much figth in the community about the time. There is no time for everyone, we only have 24 hours a day. We started with the http://kittycatauctions.blogspot.com, and then the Nacht hold track of the times and people honored everyones auction times, even back then it was to many auction times. But the Community decided to make new auction list that is now more well known "All auctions Schedule" https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtYTmqsi0Z0tdE5xMWRlczluX0c0alBDT2hSRldvN3c#gid=0. for the first months the owner was really great at updating it and most people agree it was easier to look at this new one, i guess thats the reasons this one is the more used one. The thing is it was well known before that you respect others auction times and don't overlap auction-slots. but now it seems like no one care.

"You may notice that as of the first week of October, some auction houses have chosen to overlap their added dates with previously established auction times. This is not a calendar mistake on the part of the Nachts, but rather a conscious decision by those auctioneers. If you have questions, please direct them to the auctioneers themselves." This is written on the "old" Auction time schedule. It started happening years ago, but its just getting worse.

I'm not sure what to say really. I pity the new Sims opening up that does not get any auction time at all cause some Sim have 15 auctions a week. And a new Sim don't stand a chance, and thats a bit unfair also from their Point of view. But why have a schedule which says ""All times are START times only. These are not blocks of time. Please take that into consideration when you want to be added to the list" But its obvious some people in this kittycats Community don't consider others and respect it. The rule to respect others time was not invented by me, though i Think its decent to respect it. Its obvious why the Community has this rule. Cause you cant be at two auctions at same time, and if you ever tried being a auctioneer you know its allot of work and its hard to get both the seller and the Right buyer to the auction. And as a auctioneer its really sad to say "Future Sale" and we feel bad for the person who does not get their cat sold. Having double auctions makes it more harder. But as it is people don't respect others auctions time. I wish people did but they don't care. Even if you Contact the people taking same auction time slot as you asking them to change they don't care and just mute you, No respect at all. But why have that rule if you don't follow it.
But then at same time should some Sim have 15 auction slots a week and some Sims not allowed to have any cause the schedule is already overfilled? Like for me for example i only have one auctioneer at my Sim Vygg and she only have one slot that we had for years 2:30pm and then another market as to try squeeze in between us and the 4pm auction, even though that Sim has already so many auction times (15 a week) and we only have 1 that we had for years (our market is even older). We started with 3pm but that was to late for us, then we tried to change to 2pm but then the 1pm auction did not get enough time so we changed it to 2:30pm and we end at 4pm or some times at 3:30pm. Even though we have 2:30pm Another auctioneer wants to start at 3pm. We reminded the new auctioneer we had 2:30pm but no response happen. When we where new we where respectful of other peoples auction times and it was already full so we had to take was left and we respected that. So what do you Think is the Community falling apart? Should we have a action schedule? Should we still have a rule about not double booking in the schedule? And how will that affect new breeders? What do you think? And what can we do to make the "kittycats experience" better? Leave a comment below.

Visit my store @ http://slurl.com/secondlife/Vygg/25/118/83 [Image: avatar_753.jpg?dateline=1331973492]
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 Thanks given by: Vrem Vaniva , Mizaki Resident , alyssalove54 Resident
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