I posted about this previously in this thread - but very short. -And while I wholeheartedly agree that we have seen almost too many new traits recently, I must protest against the idea that noone wants "old" traits anymore.
Having been gone a while, my cattery contains NONE of the newer traits from halloween-kitties and onwards, and since I concentrated on combining some of the very "oldest" (original) traits for quite a while, I even have very few of the semi-new traits - apart from a few Ody. 1 ears and 1 or 2 curious whiskers.
But still - if I went and sold some of my best cats today - and the ones I talk about ONLY have original traits, not a SINGLE new one of any kind - I could easily sell the best for 10-20k or maybe even more.
Thing is, when traits "get old" it is not that people do not want them any more, it is just that noone buys a cat JUST because it has a Bengal Snow fur... or rounded ears... or odyssey rainbow eyes... it has to have a nice, beautiful or unique COMBINATION of traits, so when I combine ALL of the above + a lot more, it suddenly gets interesting - even if old
So, to get back on topic: Yes please, take a break on the trait-releasing - NOT because old traits are no good and can't sell, but because we need a deep breath and a chance to implement all the new stuff in our old cats before we buy even MORE new sets of special editions etc. that is needed to get a first chance of whatever new things appear.