Yeah. Making a mesh building is more than making one model, texturing and using the default 'Upload Mesh' settings. To do it Right, you need to build FIVE models and texture FOUR. The quick-and-dirty defaults may look OK, but they Do NOT Work and should be avoided.
I'm working on one right now. It took only couple hours to make the primary (Highest LOD) model, and an hour to make the Physics model. I've been texturing the Highest model, now, for two days and am about done. Most people appear to stop at this point, but I still have to build the Middle, Low and Lowest models, and texture them. The initial test, using defaults, shows 38 p.e. I'm hoping to get it down to around 20 (or less, if I can) when I finish it. To compare: my initial test, using the Highest model for all for LOD, comes in at 130 p.e., and the model I'm replacing has over 60 p.e. , plus another dozen or so for the separate Pergola which I'm including in my model. (Sorry, no previews .. you'll know when I'm done when Charm's shop at T.A changes