RE: breeding for recessive traits
Hmm. this may go a long way to explaining a problem I had all through breeding one cat's life.
It was an Occi Ebony Silver, and I was breeding him with his daughter, a Pandie Plat. Since Ebony Silver is recessive to Plat, and since one was showing it and the other was hiding it, most of their kids had Ebony Silver. Is that correct?
In other words, breeding a recessive hidden with a recessive shown causes that recessive to become an effectivly dominant trait, in that it will show up significantly more frequently than the normally dominant trait?
if so, then my snowshoe won't ever have anything but genesis-eyed cats, but his kids will if i were to backbreed them with their non-genesis eyed moms, or other cats with the same hidden or shown eyes as their mom?