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Auction with MJ & Astrid @ OTRM 6pm Thurs!
05-20-2014, 05:30 AM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2014 06:39 PM by AstridSolace Resident.)
Post: #1
Star Auction with MJ & Astrid @ OTRM 6pm Thurs!
Raffle Board - 6T Bengal Black 55L entry (as many entries as u like!)

Panel A - pair ? 8T Tawny & White Tabby+Bronze eyes + Twinkle shade +Bent BooBoo tail (+5 hid) & ? 8T Tawny & White Tabby +Morning Glory eyes +Blonde Streak Curious Whiskers (+4 hid)
Panel 1 -? 9T Balinese Cream Lynx +Jade eyes +Tiger Curl tail +Plush Whiskers (+1 hid)
Panel 2 - ? 9T Balinese Cream Lynx +Fancie Pink Diamond eyes +Illume shade (+5 hid)
Panel 3 - pair ? 9T Pandi Brown & White +Ody Bellini eyes +Chop Chop tail +Ody No.1 ears & ? 9T Bigger De Big Pandi Brown & White +Ody Bellini +Ody No.1 ears (+2 hid)
Panel 4 - ? 9T Balinese Seal Lynx +Ody Rainbow eyes +Illume shade +Bent Boo Boo tail +Rounded ears + 2Tone B&W whiskers (+7)
Panel 5 - ? 9T Foxie Blonde +Light Wash eyes +Illume shade +Curious ears (+5 hid)
Panel 6 - ? 8T Brown & White Patch Tabby +Tapestry Harvest +Curious tail +Chocolate Curious whiskers (+5 hid)
Panel 7 - ? 2T Siamese Chocolate Tortie +Ody Bellini eyes (+2)
Panel 8 - ? 8T Foxie-SB+Jade+Twink+SF+PlshW (+2 hid)
Panel B - ? 8T MEGA Tawny Tabby +Platinum +Boo Boo tail + Pointed Soft Fold ears (+5)

Over the Rainbow Market is having its second auction May 22nd, Thurs 6pm,superb lineup so far! So exciting!

Over the Rainbow Market Auction
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Auction with MJ & Astrid @ OTRM 6pm Thurs! - AstridSolace Resident - 05-20-2014 05:30 AM

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