(04-24-2014 10:47 AM)anna acanthus Wrote: (04-24-2014 09:39 AM)Karloff Foehammer Wrote: I have a couple lines that are semi-pure going back at least a generation or two on each side and once in a while still get a random fur that i wasn't expecting.
What is happening here is that even if both parents may have the same fur on the immediate pedigree, they both are hiding a more recessive fur that has been passed along for several generations.
So you can know that they aren't pure.
Also the surprise fur isn't random; whatever hidden furs there are remain constant but there is just much less chance of these two hiddens "pulling" each other than there is for the shown fur to be produced.
This is in fact why it's a bit dicy to claim any trait as being pure. Unless you've bred the lines from the very beginning or can trace back all the pedigrees then there's no way of knowing for sure.
I don't understand this.
... I thought the only traits that are passed are the dominant trait of each parent. Each kitty gets one trait from the dad and one from the mom and the dominant trait is the one they're wearing and the 'hidden' trait is the dominant trait they got from the other parent ... uh...ok, so maybe the hidden trait is the recessive's hidden trait and that could go back a few generations if they all pass the same hidden trait. But wouldn't that be unlikely because recessive parent would be more likely to pass her dominant trait? ... or am I just making stuff up now...?