RE: DOn't Say HIDE!?!
k so i cheked with one of my teachers and she xplained things quite clearly to me what i had originally thought was correct after all, "Hidden" means the recessive trait that is "NOT Shown" , but every now and then dominant traits can be hidden but it's rare... this is something i have understood pretty much from day one, but someone told me something today that kinda confused me from this by saying to me it could only be the father who gives a hidden trait meaning females don't pass down any hidden traits, now im sure the confusion is solely my fault in this instance with trying to understand what they were trying to say. if anyone wants to help un-confuse me further or re-confuse me more i say go for it im gracious for any feedback whatsoever or just simple thoughts on the matter!
It would be nice to know what other newbies have experienced with this topic.