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Miracle Menagerie Bottle bugs
03-03-2014, 09:21 PM
Post: #1
Miracle Menagerie Bottle bugs
The web site does not verify you intended to retrieve a cat, much less which cat you are retrieving.

Since the number of cats you may retroeve is limited, this is a MAJOR oversight in the design of the web page.

Adding a generic pop-up verification would effect the Dock (Cat->SL) as well as both flavors of Menagerie bottles. This would greatly reduce error. The text of the message could include the cat name to aid verification.

This is a minor program change on the get_cat.php web page and I strongly recommend its immediate implementation. If you need assistance, I can provide a patch to the Javascript.
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Miracle Menagerie Bottle bugs - Tad Carlucci - 03-03-2014 09:21 PM

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