RE: Making Costs for Breeders A Bit Lower
I thought sending a kitty to menagerie was permanent and you cannot bring it back. So you can bring it back?
I agree break up should be free if a kitty goes to menagerie. People will continue to buy breakup potions for other reasons -- they might get another kitty and decide that they want to partner an already partnered kitty to the new kitty. They could be friends with someone who wants to have a onetime kitten with their kitty. They made a mistake and partnered automatically by mistake. All kinds of reasons for the break up lotion besides the partnered went to menagerie.
Maybe a deeper discount for greater amounts of food for breeders that have larger numbers of cats. There already is a discount at 10 and 20 levels but maybe a deep deep discount for 50 or 100 kibbles and milk. Also deeper discounts for higher volume like a 20 to 50 package kits of 5% or 10% love potions, catnaps.
The thing, though, is that kittycats straddle the line of hobby and business. Most things that straddle that line even in rl usually result in a loss and it is a small percentage of folks that break even or make a profit. In RL, buying in great volume to cut costs or shopping around for prices is one way. As kittycats is a monopoly, shopping for price is out. But maybe they could have a special store for breeders where people can buy packages of food, milk and vitamins in packages of 25, 50, 100 and 250 at correspondingly deeper discounts.
Deeper discounts will probably mean people will just buy more kitty pairs and buy more food because how much they spend will probably stay at the same levels that they are currently at unless their RL finances change. So I don't think anybody is going to really save money but they will feel like they have and feel like there is stronger support for breeders. The breeders store could also have a large meeting room that people can hold classes in like the builders brewery -- for example in how to make collars, clothes, link kittycat animations to beds and catposts and other things so that people can start creating more auxiliary items for the casual owners of kittycats. And sales classes for newbie sellers and marketing classes on how to bring people to your store. People could also be allowed to use the room for their breeding classes. They could also sell items there just for breeders (like a calculator where you input how many cats you have and how much food you need for 2 weeks because I seriously miscalculated).
Kittycats also needs to continue to make enough of a profit that they continue to upgrade programming, animations, new breeds, support tickets, etc or they will disappear as other breedables have. Their primary income comes from food, milk and vitamins from what I can see because if people get into kittycats, their purchases of kitties is probably going to be 80% or more within the secondary markets (auctions, bidboards, stores, private transactons). So discounts in food, milk and vitamins are probably limited by those needs because we don't know how much support staff there is in the background and how many are being paid in RL money.
Anyway that's my 2 cents (or 2 quarters)