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Wanted- Valentine Sweetcat
08-08-2011, 02:50 PM
Post: #2
RE: Wanted- Valentine Sweetcat
Me too! I am actually looking for the same thing. I was going to start a thread but then I saw this one! Wink My request is exactly the same except I also wouldn't mind finding a red one or a green one, or a turquoise one... I have a cat problem. LOL!

So if anyone has another one of these, (after taking care of the original poster of course,) Smile please im me in-world also.

I appreciate you!

-Akasha Kincess

P.S. If you get my auto-response, it just means I am afk modeling, &/or rl sleeping or working. I will get back with you asap!
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RE: Wanted- Valentine Sweetcat - Akasha Kincess - 08-08-2011 02:50 PM

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