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Suggestion - Hats etc. to pick up kittycats' GLOW
11-25-2013, 06:11 AM
Post: #1
Suggestion - Hats etc. to pick up kittycats' GLOW
I just fitted a Santa hat to a Flair kittycat and was disappointed to find that although my Kitty is glowing in a gloomy sim, the hat is swallowed up in darkness. Sad

The same goes for her collar. Confused

It just doesn't look right.

I noticed in the store, that one range of santa hats is lighted and the other is not, but this doesn't seem to carry over either way onto the cats when they wear them.

I think it would really make the cats look better in their clothes if they lit up (or not) to match the wearer.


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Suggestion - Hats etc. to pick up kittycats' GLOW - Pixy Belfire - 11-25-2013 06:11 AM

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