I'm Ylva. That's Y L V A, and pronounced [i.lva]. I've been in SL for 5 years and managed to stay away from any breedables in all that time. Then someone told me there was a free pet to be had, a Firestorm Kittycat, and it didn't need food and it wasn't a breedable, but you could play with it and everything. Well who could resist that?
Except there was that free kitty coupon, and then I got the same for my son, and then we had a girl kitten and a boy kitten so why not breed them together and see what happened?
*E X P L O S I O N*
50-odd kittycats later, I'm thoroughly hooked on these adorable little pixels. I've got a couple of breeding projects, but first of all I'm going to breed KittyCatS replicas of my RL cats, two black kitties that brighten my days.
I have to echo what others have said here, the KittyCatS community is the friendliest, most awesome community I've met in SL in 5 years. The staff is amazing and I can totally see spending a whole day just chatting with the group.
Group Hugs!