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New Shop~ Cozy Cat Corner
11-05-2013, 07:02 AM
Post: #1
New Shop~ Cozy Cat Corner
Come pick out a KittyCats companion at out shop. We have over 120 different New Born boxes to pick from at great prices. We also have Kitty Condos you can buy or we can make you one to fit your decor.

Are you a breeder? Or do you have kittycats you would like to sell? We will let you rent a spot to sell individual kitties for 50L a month or get a full display {15 spots} for 250L a month. Its yours for a month so if you sell your cat you can put another up til the month is over. Big Grin

Owners DJ Chip Starr and DJ KB Starr
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New Shop~ Cozy Cat Corner - DJCHIPSTARR Resident - 11-05-2013 07:02 AM

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