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HUD Problems
07-24-2011, 01:06 PM
Post: #1
HUD Problems
Ok so I and a few of my friends are having similar problems with the new HUD.

For some reason it just stops working: When I reload it or click a different sort button, it shows 0 of 0 cats and no list.

Sometimes it reloads ok, but then the number of cats slowly goes down for no reason.. lower and lower until it shows only 5 cats.

My friend asked for help about this in the chat group and was told she must have had at least one cat in her cattery that hadn't been updated. She isn't able to check all her cats but I decided to see if this would solve my problem: I went to a location where I only had about 50 cats (I wasn't going to spend all day checking every single cat and box at my main cattery either Tongue ). I checked every cat/box at this location, and all were the current version, but the HUD still stopped working when I clicked a sort button.

My way around this is to keep a backup copy of the HUD I like (the colour/size/whatever) and whenever the one I'm using stops working, I just trash it and copy the backup HUD and use the new copy. I have to do this 3 or 4 times a week, though.

So just curious if anyone else experiences this problem and if maybe you have an easier trick than mine to get around it?


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Messages In This Thread
HUD Problems - Wendi Lavendel - 07-24-2011 01:06 PM
RE: HUD Problems - Morsmordre Furman - 07-26-2011, 05:13 AM
RE: HUD Problems - Adrienne Arliss - 07-29-2011, 09:26 PM
RE: HUD Problems - Morsmordre Furman - 07-31-2011, 06:49 AM

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