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Halloween Kittycat Package's
11-02-2013, 04:34 PM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2013 12:12 AM by Winter Phoenix.)
Post: #14
RE: Halloween Kittycat Package's

People often have them in their trash

and dont empty it out that often.

I usually have a bunch in my pocket,

I dont set them out in the shoppe to avoid confusion,

but some folks shopping for the special cats

sometimes like to have the fancy box they came in.

Stop by or drop me a line.

[Image: derkittehmill.jpg]

[Image: DERKITTEHMILLlogosmallest.jpg]


Soylent Green is KitteH!
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RE: Halloween Kittycat Package's - Winter Phoenix - 11-02-2013 04:34 PM

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