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Time of 121-day birthday - make info available?
10-24-2013, 11:38 AM
Post: #1
Time of 121-day birthday - make info available?
I was just wishing that I knew the expiration date on my 120-day-old couple!
When they're at 98% love and 120 days old, ... well it would be nice if we knew what time of day the clock would strike and they'd no longer be able to breed.

KittyCats has this info, since the kitties know when it's time to retire. Could you share this info with us somehow? It would save a bit of stress.

Maybe an "advanced details" button or ... an extra button on the "breed" menu? A "time left" button?

Thanks for considering this suggestion Smile
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Time of 121-day birthday - make info available? - Vrem Vaniva - 10-24-2013 11:38 AM

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