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From a Pet-lover of SL Animals
10-18-2013, 11:42 AM
Post: #17
RE: From a Pet-lover of SL Animals
I'm not offering a solution.

I'm simply offering the observations that people tend to redecorate, that food costs can be avoided by keeping unused cats in inventory or in a non-feeding cattery, and that doing so makes the cost of a Perma-Pet kit roughly equal to 13 YEARS of ownership of a non-pet cat.

It's up to you to decide if a payment for 13 years of service is "fair" for a pet.

If you read my posting, I make no judgement (although I'm sure you can sumise my personal feelings on the matter).

So, what would be my solution? Simple. Upon attaining 121 days of age, all cats automatically convert to a transferable, non-breeding cat which no longer eats. To "pet" any cat which is not in the Cattery and did not automatically switch (say, it was in inventory when it became 121) can be converted to a pet simply by running it through the cattery.

I would NOT change the pricing for any cats under 121 days of age.

My feeling is that since we have already paid for 120 days of food, and since the company offers a completely (or nearly) free alternative, there is no rational basis for such an egregious over-charge.
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RE: From a Pet-lover of SL Animals - Tad Carlucci - 10-18-2013 11:42 AM

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