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Last chance Sale!! All must go! Please help!
10-13-2013, 07:48 AM
Post: #1
Exclamation Last chance Sale!! All must go! Please help!
I have a bit of a problem with my land parcel at the moment and I had to send all of my kitties to the Cattery... Unfortunately, I spent most of my L's on inworld food yesterday and need more food for the Cattery now. Sad

I have a bunch of Kitties at my little store for very good prices. Some live 100% Love, some gaining love, boxes. Teacup, Bigger de Big, Petite.

Accepting any offers! I have a lot more kitties and boxes in the cattery that need to go too. If they don't sell by Wednesday, they will have to go to the Menagerie.

Please come check them out and help out my Kitties! Thank you.

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Last chance Sale!! All must go! Please help! - KiyaLust Resident - 10-13-2013 07:48 AM

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