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How do I upload my kittycat boxes to Marketplace?
10-06-2013, 10:48 AM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2013 11:07 AM by LibGwen Resident.)
Post: #4
RE: How do I upload my kittycat boxes to Marketplace?
Breedables are unique. For the moment, the merchant outbox system isn't designed to distribute unique items. So you need a Magic Box, which can be obtained free from Marketplace. A Magic Box is a bit like an escrow service: You keep it rezzed in-world. You put in a unique item you want to sell, the item is listed on Marketplace, someone buys it from there, and the item is transferred from the Magic Box to the person who bought it.

Once you have the Magic Box set up, it will take awhile to fill in all the information for the first kitten box you list. But after that you can use that listing as a template so the process of adding listings will go much faster.

Three tips:

1) Before you put it in the Magic Box, use each kitten box's menu (Text > Set Name) to change its name to something unique so you will always be able to tell which box is which.

2) Whenever you mention the Magic Box in just about any group's chat, a gang of people will instantly pile in and tell you that they're obsolete and no one uses them any more. Ignore those people. They don't need one so they don't know anything about them.

3) Troubleshooting: Since Server Side Appearance came out, the content memories of Magic Boxes (and texture organizers and other things) sometimes lag. This can be cause a hiccup when you add new items to the Magic Box. It causes your Marketplace account to not be able to see some of the items in the Box that it could see just fine before. (Your Marketplace list says they're "unavailable" although you still have a quantity of 1.) The remedy is (in-world) to Edit the Magic Box and go to its Contents list, wait a couple seconds, close the Edit window, then right-click and Open the Magic Box. This should force the server to update the inventory. (The window will be empty for a moment, then will show the contents.) Close that window. Then your Marketplace list should be able to see everything once you refresh the page.
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 Thanks given by: AstridSolace Resident , MsMagick Resident
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RE: How do I upload my kittycat boxes to Marketplace? - LibGwen Resident - 10-06-2013 10:48 AM

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