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Wanted issue RESOLVED [UPDATED please read]
09-16-2013, 09:28 AM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2013 01:29 PM by Linu Zhangsun.)
Post: #1
Wanted issue RESOLVED [UPDATED please read]
Hiya everyone,

I'm relatively new to Kittycats breeding, i usually buy and turn them in to pets because they are just far to adorable.

At the moment i'm looking for two particular sorts of cats and i do not mind if they are permapets or breedables. I'll also be paying anyone who has these two particular cats.

I'm looking for a Bengal with Jade eyes, preferable a Silver Bengal with Jade eyes.
If there isn't one then any Bengal with Jade eyes is fine.

Also I'm looking for the Snowstorm collection cats, if i can find all four then brilliant if not I'll love to have at least one of them, again i'll be paying anyone to take it off their hands and they can be breedables or permapets also.

Hope you can help me out, any help regardless is much appreciated.
You can contact me inworld on Linu Zhangsun, my ims get capped unfortunately so please drop me a notecard inworld.

Thank you all again
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Wanted issue RESOLVED [UPDATED please read] - Linu Zhangsun - 09-16-2013 09:28 AM

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