I spam as little as possible because as you say I think it is annoying when people go on and on and I think as well it reflects as if the seller is desperate for sales.
The only way I advertise, besides via my forum signature, is via the forums only and not via groups at all and if I can I like to re-use the same thread for it.
The same goes for reading adverticements I only read those via the forums as well and only if it doesn't get annoying or if people do not take a zillion threads to do so.
Should I have a cat for auction I use a new thread on the forums which I bump one time when my panel is almost up or when the auction starts.
I use a showroom model to show what breeds I have and I also like to use Flickr to connect with other breeders and share pictures there.
I personally am no member of any spam group, I'm super sensitive for ongoing spam I just can't stand it, and if I need to be in a group to be able to rezz for my rental I disable chat and groupnotices in Phoenix.
I think though I'm not so avarage in my way of dealing with spam XD
Retro Kitties Showroom ยป
Notorious kitty hoarder ..
My cats rarely leave my cattery.