A very interesting result this time.... a few more answers & a few more questions.
This box is definitely an ideal candidate for sibling breeding down the road, & if Poppy is hiding a truly special fur or whisker trait, a great kitty to breed out awesome kitties!!
Under other circumstances, switching Poppy's partner to a cat showing a more recessive fur & more recessive whisker traits would be worth considering. However, I think sticking with the current partner is the right approach at this point, since the point of this project is more about teaching breeding principles & techniques, rather than simply learning what a specific starter is hiding. Just about every breeder will encounter situations where they don't have the cat they need to discover a trait directly, where backbreeding/ sibling breeding is the only way to go (ironically, a situation I was in when I was trying to discover the hidden Ocicat Ebony Silver fur of Ricky's Tiger ancestor hehe). This starter may just provide a good chance to illustrate those techniques.