(05-24-2013 12:54 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: Wow, I had no idea creating a Wiki would give so much toxic vibes 
An other thing ...
Issues, concerns or what ever concerning Wiki please post those in the Wiki forum and not here if you feel like taking the time to fill out the form to create an account.
This thread is for promotional purpose only and not to debate stuff while it is not even fully up and running yet.
There will be plenty of room to debate about a various amount of topics there.
And frankly I don't have to know from each individual KittycatS! user if they like to take part or not.
That are quite pointless and in a way discouraging remarks.
We see how it goes.
I don't like to take time to adress each roadblock people feel there is and I will not do that either.
In reaction on myself and *sighs*
Also IM-ing me in world to tell me why one doesn't want to particpate isn't of my interest and sucks my energy.
If it is reaching a point it turns out to be gossip I refrain from a conversation that is just not my thing.
I like to have KittyCatS! for fun and hobby and participate in the Wiki for the same reason and I like to keep it that way.
I really don't need to know what each personal issue with who is.
In general I hope people get at least a chance but hey that's just me.
Subscribe or don't on the Wiki but you don't owe me an explanation.