hi All
As you may know, we (finally!) released the KittyCatS Pedigree!
The Pedigree information is FREE, as we want that everyone can have this information without paying for it

While it works straightforward, i'll try to cover a general overview and some more detailed things.
At first, you have to Register for the KittyCatS Website.
This registration replaces any previous registration you did at our website, and allows you to access your KittyCatS Pedigree, forum and support.
To register, you first need to get a free KittyCatS Website terminal at our shop:
Rez it, Click it, and it will bring you to the registration form!
After registration you are instantly logged in, and can access the Pedigree, forum and support trough the website menu's.
GOOD TO KNOW: When you are registered, The KittyCatS in world terminal can be clicked anytime to log you in to the website automatically.
(if you live together with a friend, you can leave just one terminal out, it will bring anyone to its own KittyCatS Website login)
The Main Page of the Pedigree is a list with all your cats and boxes, their visible traits and eventual collars.
Cats send to the menagerie are not shown.
You can sort the list based on every column by clicking on top of it. ( A little arrow will show up to indicate which column is currently sorted, and if its ascending or descending.)
You can click every KittyCat or Box on the main page list which will take you to a detailed overview with the cats parents, grandparents and offspring (ofcourse, starter cats don't have parents, so they dont show any....). To not interupt breeding lines, KittyCatS living at the menagerie are shown here as well.
In case of special cats you will see the first genes here too, and the special edition will only be mentioned briefly, the same way it is for in world parental information...
The offspring shown is the offspring breeded by you with this cat, it doesn't show the breeds by previous owners.
Any cat you own in that overview can be clicked as well and will give you on its turn an overview of their pedigree tree.
I think this covers about everything, but if you have any more questions or suggestions, you can use the forum to do so!
Your KittyCatS Team