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Judy's Naughty But Nice--Mega Store
04-15-2013, 01:33 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2013 07:19 AM by lilnaughtylia Resident.)
Post: #1
Wink Judy's Naughty But Nice--Mega Store

Welcome to Judy's wonderful new kitty store. Inside you will find many lovely kitties to take home with you. Below will be listed various cats that you can find there, from collectors to 9 Traited kitties, from Teacups to Mega Puss cats!There are over 250 9 Traited kittens still in their boxes to choose from, as well as retired traits. Check out what there is for you to choose from!

There is a service, besides great customer service, that you can take advantage of. Judysl offers training for new breeders. She's been breeding for a while and has great advice for all breeders.


Kibo Neko - Hope and Yuki Neko - Courage KittyCatS

? hApPy biRtHdaY! - SL9B (Permapet)

? Dreams Of Eire

? Dreams Of Eire

3 KittyCatS Vampires - Til Death Do Us Part (Still in original packaging)

Various Valentines Bees and Bugs as well as Baroque Babies Male and Female.

A mixture of Cookie Cats and SnowStorm Kitties.

Also here are the three tigers, all in teacup or toy sizes.

Various Love Leopards.

Various Wild Flower kitties and Scrambled eggs, including a Wild Flower Shadow Dancer Biger de Big!!

Live LoveBees Peachy keen

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Judy's Naughty But Nice--Mega Store - lilnaughtylia Resident - 04-15-2013 01:33 PM

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