To Permapet or not to Perma pet.
Don't get me wrong I want to keep my cats as long as I possibly can. But I wonder if this is worth it.
I only breed casually (I have two breeders and that may change after the next kitten - their second) but otherwise I keep pets.
Now, going by pet food cost I can keep one pet cat fed for 20 months for 1,600L. That is almost 2 years.
The permapet is either 1800 or 1500 depending on if you perma them before 120 days or after.
The sale was nice (I missed it as I didn't get my monthly check until after the fact), but at the current cost I'm more willing to pay for food then a permapet kit for each cat.
Now, if the kits permapet say 3-5 cats it might be worth it.
This may not be a popular opinion but I want to know what all of you think.