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Contest! You know you are addicted to KittyCatS when.....
05-31-2011, 01:35 AM
Post: #59
Heart RE: Contest! You know you are addicted to KittyCatS when.....
...when you not only dream you are your avi, but all your cats are there too... and they're hungry.

...when your friend comes to visit you and says "Wow, you can't throw a dead cat around here without hitting a... cat..."

...when you're willing to go without soda all week because you need KittyCats Kibble.

...when you set up a nice yard for your kitties to play in, including fields of flowers, because you just know the hiding places make them happier.

...when you check your hud every ten minutes to see how soon the next one will be born... even if the parents are only at 80%.

...when you're willing to risk crashing holding a dozen cats at a time to keep them happy, not just because you ran out of milk, but because you want them happy.

...when the thought of sending your kitties to the menagerie at 120 days makes you tear up.

...when you wish you had more ways to play with them, like the fishing pole feather toy i still hope you're going to make. Smile
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RE: Contest! You know you are addicted to KittyCatS when..... - Teana Teardrop - 05-31-2011 01:35 AM

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