For the kitties who couldn't get dream dates Saturday night, Sunday always offers a second chance to find that ideal boy or girl kitty at the Love Shack!
February 24, 2013
Adorable Girls
? 8T BaliChoco sm Apple Illume 2ToneMyst
? RussianWhite LightWash CuriousTail Rounded +2
? AbyBS pft Platinum CuriousTail Ody2 2ToneMyst
? SSLilac myst Mocha Flair SoftFold +2
Adorable Boys
? 8T BurmesePlat pft Divine Flair SoftFold
? 9T AbyFawn pft BlueIce Illume
? 9T BengalSnow pft WildOdy Porcelain SoftFold
? BalineseCream Plum CuriousEars