As I have already stated I for one am very pleased at being able to see the breeder and owner history on a kitty i own, this is a personal preference and one many seem to share. However some people dont agree with mine or others views on it and although i dont share their concerns, I can understand them...some people may not want an Alt to be associate to them for a very valid reason...although im not 100% sure that how the change is presented would directly point a finger from one breeder being an alt of another..but nevertheless its the persons prerogative to keep their Alt anonymous. Also the elite arguement...true we dont want to see elitism in the market but as already pointed out, their are some that perhaps feel they are elite already and i personally dont think this change will alter that perspective at all, either by making it better or by making it worse.
Either way, in short i understand the reasons people have against the change even though i dont share the view. The only way I can see around this is giving each avatar a choice...put a check box under My Account to either show or not, that way giving the option to each individual as to whether they want their name displayed or not...those who do not can remain as 'Someone Else'... seems the diplomatic answer to me.
Nika...KittyCatS is more than an Addiction, its an Obsession!