Happy Wednesday!
There's so many lovely kitties here hoping for a new home and especially a new mate!
A lot of the kitties here now have the new 1.29 update's feature of letting you click the kitty's URL found in its stats, making that hunt for the perfect mate even easier!
TP: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Simply%20Too...e/53/66/21
January 30, 2013
Adorable Girls
? AbyBS Fire Glitter Shorty WhitePlush +1
? SiameseFlame myst BlueBerry Flair PSF Frazzled +1
? 9T BengalSnow pft Prism Twinkle SoftFold
? SiameseBlue myst BlueIce Flair WhiteMyst +1
Adorable Boys
? 8T BurmesePlat pft Platinum Glitter SoftFold
? 8T BalineseLilac pft PeachBellini SoftFold PlushWhisker
? ChateauPink&White pft OdySorbet BigBooEars +2
? BalineseCream sm WhitePlush +1